Senac PE – Creative Writing Project:

classroom chronicles


  • Alessandra Jácome de Santana Senac Pernambuco
  • Maria Auxiliadora de Albuquerque Senac Pernambuco


cultural action in libraries; library network; Senac library network in Pernambuco; creative writing Project, cultural action in libraries, library network, Senac Pernambuco, creative writing Project


In 2020, the team of Librarians of Senac Pernambuco was provoked to propose a work plan for the year 2021, which contemplated cultural action in a virtual environment as a way of facing the Coronavirus during the year 2020, when the libraries were, as information units, unable to start and/or continue the services and activities of face-to-face interaction with the public of the libraries. Gradually, with the advancement and success of the measures to combat the COVID-19 in the country, everyday activities were partially resumed, taking the necessary precautions and respecting the entire protocol of Senac-PE to combat COVID-19. However, it would not be possible to carry out in-person cultural action, since there could be no agglomerations. In this context, the Creative Writing Project: classroom chronicles was created and elaborated to meet the current need. This article seeks to describe how the project was planned, organized and executed, as well as the results that were, at the end of the first edition, materialized in the form of digital books and publications at a Senac Pernambuco event. The participation of the Librarians and Senac PE employees; the choice of target audience; the registration and transmission platform for the project workshops; the publicity of the event; the performance of the participants (teachers and coordinators) and of the workshop participants (guests and collaborators) are described here


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How to Cite

SANTANA, A. J. de; ALBUQUERQUE, M. A. de. Senac PE – Creative Writing Project: : classroom chronicles. Senac.DOC: revista de informação e conhecimento, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 16–26, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 may. 2024.


